5 cool updates in Box Battle

3 min readJun 9, 2021

The new version of Box Battle is to be released on the 22nd of January 2021.

In this article we are going to tell you what the users and training providers on the platform can benefit from the modifications.

To each their own Box Battle!

Now our app operates on multi-tenancy which is beneficial for clients. That’s why:

1. You will have the higher level of data security. The multi-tenancy architecture secures the private data for each of the tenants from the other so each company using Box Battle does it separately and the interaction happens only among coworkers.

2. You pay solely for active users. The user is considered active if they opened the app at least once within the paid period. For example, you know that the event for 500 people should be held this month but there are a lot more employees already registered in the app. You buy a month subscription for 500 users and only the active ones will be reflected in the tariff plan.

3. It is more unique! Now our clients are capable to customize the app. We can change the colour of buttons as well as delete or add some of the logging in options.

4. Now you can create the personal domain name for every company. Check out how it looks — boxbattle.rsv.ru is Box Battle created for Autonomous non-profit Russian organization «Russia — Land of Opportunity».

Couching in quests

Any learning system becomes effective when it is possible to ask questions and to get an extensive feedback from your couch or mentor. The real person interaction during learning lacked from our platform, so we added it.

This is how this interaction works:

1. An employee takes a quest on, say, new working place adaptation. One of the tasks is to make a presentation of a company’s product and send in to the mentor for checking.

2. When the presentation is done off the Box Battle, an employee can open the task on the platform again, attach the file and leave a comment and then press «send».

3. Entering the platform, the mentor will see that one of his apprentices sent the task that needs checking. They will download the file, check it and leave some comments.

4. If everything is done correctly, the mentor will choose the option «Pass». «Fail» if there are mistakes.

In the end, employees can interact with their mentors and get detailed feedback on their work.

Box Battle for Android

Now smartphone owners with Android can play on their mobiles instead of opening Box Battle in the browser. You can download the app in Google Play.

Analytics system improvement

When users complete quests and fight in arenas their results are shown in statistics. Nothing is changed visually but now the whole process is faster. The modified statistical calculation algorithm allows us to improve speed. We also added new reports on the users’ activity analysis. For example, new dashboard called «activity» shows how many players are using the app at the moment and how that figure has been changing throughout the month.

Freedom of user authorization

The platform allows many ways to register and log in including through e-mail, social media and Microsoft Azure. Sometimes clients are not satisfied with this set and we can change the options to meet their needs.

For example, for the Federal Agency for Youth Affaires we implemented the following algorithm:

1. The participants register on myrosmol.ru

2. They get redirected to Box Battle through the link.

3. Now they are authorized in Box Battle as well as on the portal.

You can check out the new Box Battle and write to us here — sales@labmedia.su




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